Your age (please select)...16 - 2526 - 3031 - 4041 - 5051 - 6061 - 7070 +
Your sex (please select)...MaleFemaleOther
[group your-sex-other-group]
Do you smoke?
Please select...YesNo [group smoke-group]
How many per day?
Please select...1 - 1011 - 2020+
Would you be interested in accessing free stop smoking services within your workplace (including free NRT/Champix, behavioural support, carbon dioxide monitoring and resources)?
Please select...YesNo
How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
Please select...NeverMonthly or less2-4 times a month4 or more times a weekDaily [group drink-group]
How many units of alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking (one unit = half a pint of larger or one single pub measure of spirit or one small glass of wine)?
Please select...1 or 23 or 45 or 67 to 910 or more
How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?
Please select...NeverLess often than monthlyMonthlyWeeklyDaily or almost daily
Do you do any exercise/physical activity?
Please select...YesNo [group exercise-group]
How much exercise do you do a week?
Please select...1 - 2 times a week3 - 4 times a week5 or more times a week
Do you eat fruit and/or vegetables?
Please select...YesNo [group fruit-veg-group]
How many portions do you eat a day?
Please select...1 - 23 - 45 - 77+
Do you feel you have someone to talk to if you have a problem or are in a situation that is worrying or concerning you e.g family,friend, Doctor, colleague)?
Please select...YesNo [group talk-to-group]
We are also interested to know what would help you to lead a more healthy lifestyle, please let us know your thoughts.
Have you taken part in a national or local campaign in the last year to improve your health (for example: joined one of the on-site fitness classes, enrolled at a gym, walk to work month, Dry January or Stoptober)?
Please select...YesNo [group fitness-campaign-group]
Would you recommend it to others?
Have you increased your levels of walking in the last year?
How do you travel to work?
Please select...WalkCycleDrivePublic TransportShuttle BusPark and RideOther [group travel-to-group]
Are you aware of opportunities to take part in mindfulness initiatives (For example: mindfulness study days, stress management course, breathing exercise...)?
Have you taken part in any mindfulness opportunities?
Please select...YesNo [group opportunities-taken-part]
Can you see how mindfulness is beneficial to overall well being?
Do you have a long term, stable medical condition that requires regular medicine in the short to medium term?
Please select...YesNo [group medical-condition-group]
Do you require regular medicine in respect of that medical condition?
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